Student loans is, quite possibly, the worst thing our government could have backed. It put it in the banking business, is an excuse to blame and then bill students who have nothing and, due to debt are unlikely to have anything (an entire generation!). This was, I think, an effort of our legislatures (state and fed) to pass the costs of higher education onto the students. Both used to support their higher education. While we are assuring ourselves that we are going to be short of doctors, engineers, the rest of the developing world pretty much gets to those who qualify to get higher education. Sometimes its free and sometimes they have a debt they can work off by working for the government for x years. The one thing our government is NOT doing is helping at all. As far as the loan thing is concerned. The first thing Biden should do is simply apply all interest paid in on the loans to be applied against the loans and the interest should be stopped. That, at least, would help and get my government out of the the banking industry. Its also my belief that our government has been charging almost twice the interest that them that borrowed could have got from a bank!

Its interesting. To be a doctor means a debt of more than several hundred thousand dollars. Those doctors are starting to practice and they are seriously pissed off. Forgiving ten thousand, here and there, makes absolutely no sense, and no help, just stirs the pot. So, whilst we are, basically assuring that most of ours who have higher education are really angry with gov the rest of the developed world are actually producing the people they need to run their countries. China, for instance, has managed to now be producing 2 times the number of engineers the United States has (are are becoming number one in a number necessaries).

The United States in well in its way to complete disaster and American greed continues to show the rest of the world how we can screw everything up.

There is a lot of discussion about how bad the other side is and that applies to both sides. That's what its all about, yelling about the other side and screw that stuff about having a job to do and getting along so they can do that. They also do a lot of mouthing about that one too. If you whatever is the fault of the other side you would be wrong. An example are guns. Everybody says its the other side (both sides). Its the whole damned bunch of 'em. The vast majority of them that would govern are really interested in little things, like keeping their damned jobs.

I am, obviously, a bit upset. The problem is, however, that there are a LOT of folks that are a 'bit' upset. Every day more people are noticing more stuff that shouldn't be with NOBODY doing a damned thing about it. The southern border is another mess in which both sides have had their failed way with. Just because they cannot bring themselves to actually sit down and do their jobs. All of Latin America want in here because their crops aren't growing, and most of their government are not functioning. There is no way we can take care of all of Latin America. The left, I think, wants us to do that but I do not believe we can. We better figure that out or, well, work it out.

I just wished there was someway to fix our growing messes. There are a lot of folks who, I believe, think the same thing yet there is no real sign of that happening. I know several who have moved. Two families to Portugal, a couple more to Mexico, etc. I don't want to move but am starting to give it some thought. We have, basically, the very worst healthcare in the developed world unless you have multiple millions to spend on it. I have dental work that needs doing and am going to Mexico to get it done. We are so overpriced that EVERY Mexican town on the border has huge groups of Mexican dentists ready and willing to fix my teeth. Again, I am not along in that one either. It has been said that our government spends more money on public health than places like France and the UK on free healthcare for all! I believe that's true! We are getting taxes to support a joke when it comes to healthcare but nobody seems to give a damn.

All that being said, and I am sure the are lots that will agree to one extent or another, nothing is going to change in my lifetime. What I see happening is even worse than most. I believe that more, and more, and more are getting disgusted with what is happening and its never 'our fault' and its always "their fault". Eventually there will be change and its not gonna be real fun.

Last edited by jgw; 12/16/22 09:06 PM.