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Ugh… More identity bilge. Haven’t you played that record enough to the point of irrelevance? Your ‘he’s Jewish!’ effort to make Zelensky a heroic figure is sorta undermined by his record of: banning political opposition parties, banning opposition press, the Russian, language, banning the Russian orthodox religion, allowing the continued shelling of civilians in the Dunbass by fascist paramilitaries since getting elected.
I like how you keep erasing Ukranians that aren’t on board with the racist violence directed at them by the state for over eight years. Kinda denialy there. Kinda, well, what do you call it when a minority people are being persecuted for having the wrong language and culture and are seen as illegitimate by others?
Ukranians united around his election platform of better relations with Russia and peace with the.breakaway republics. Like most politicians, the rhetoric doesn’t match the actions once elected. US State dept. media assets blowing air into that balloon doesn’t change his history.
Not that a Jew can be racists. We all know they have been victims of the Holocaust and would never do onto others what’s been done to them. Ask Palestinians that have been ‘concentrated’ in Gaza what life’s been like for several decades. I’m sure they’ll confirm that notion.
Who are Putin's friends in this conflict? Aside from some pro-Trump/pro-Putin Republicans, who? Iran seems to love him and so does China. Kim Jong Un is still convinced that the United States is on the brink of attacking his Juche hermit kingdom so he is preoccupied, otherwise you might see him shaking Putin's hand. Likewise the Palestinians who are stuck with pro-Trump folks like Bibi Netanyahu, not much the Palestinians can do.
To a large extent, you're still known by the company you keep. Gee whiz, Chunk...you've got some interesting friends.
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