Rubbish. You do propaganda all the time here. I don’t have to try anything.
From your ghost stories you spread non stop about Russia stealing the election from your mother goddess to the odd arguments you’ve been making about the illegitimate ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine cuz holdomor.
In fact, two glaring omissions by you are:

Western Ukraines constant 8 year shelling of Donetsk and Luhansk in violation of Minsk 1 & 2.
Fascist political and military groups active in the coup of 2014 and subsequent military actions against the ethnic Russian regions.

The rest of the context of this decades long civil war is similarly ignored by you, preferring to straw man and conspiracy yarns (Russia hates Jews! Protocols of Elders of Zion!).

Frankly Jeff I worked for the american/Ukranian cultural exchange association from 88-91 but I don’t pull it out of my butt to lend some kind of credibility to my arguments.

Just kidding. Never worked for any such thing. Could care less that you worked for RT a couple decades ago. Bigots will work for Jewish owners so what’s your point? Nor do I trust anything you say given your record of falsehoods and conspiracy peddling here.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 12/27/22 02:16 PM.