I think I typed of this very problem before the election, asking the question, what if Trump would not leave the WH. I was not the only one to ask the question. Apparently Gen Milley was concerned enough to ask the same question and it's extension, could the military be engaged in Trump maintaining control of the government if he lost. Some said no way could it happen in America. Yikes ... were they ever misguided.

I believe the assault to undermine Democracy continues today. Radicalization of military personnel, and law enforcement and the delusions Christian Nationalists, white supremacists, and plain old ignorant folk all contribute to a continuing threat to Democracy. I believe we are teetering on the precipice of failure of Democracy or the continuation of the experiment. I always remind myself, how Lenin led workers and the military in an insurrection. Could our government be overthrown by a select few? Key military leaders, a dedicated cadre of militias and MAGA-heads converging on the right inflection point at the right time, could easily overthrow the government. Had the ground forces of the insurrection been better managed, I suspect they would have been successful in not only thwarting the count, Trump would have declared martial law, and installed himself as de facto Pres.

The question is, who would have prevented it???? Not the Congress, they would be detained .... not the Courts .... they have no enforcement power .... not the military .... they rely on the Pres, and even if they believed it an illegal order, what would they do? nothing. Take a poll. It can't happen in America. It did but was unsuccessful.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!