If the Democrats didn’t believe or think the GOP would retaliate and escalate, they were mighty dumb.

Of course, everybody knew that. The point of the OP is that their brash and bumbling incompetence is not going to favorably impress anyone who is not already deeply delusional, and it is likely that their infighting will increase. My prediction is that GOP power is scheduled to erode significantly, due to who and what they have become.

There is no comparison between what Trump was impeached for (either time), nor his criminality to what the Reeps threaten. The performance of the J6 committee was incredibly well researched and orchestrated. Did you notice that they used only right-wing testimony to make their case? The Reeps' performances are guaranteed to be s**tshows.

The idea that if a right action is taken against a wrongdoer is inadvisable, because the wingnuts will retaliate, is a capitulation to a spiral into social and political decay. Frankly, I find it encouraging that the Dems are not much willing to play the retaliation/escalation game.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller