The problem with polls is they don't ask the right questions.

The right question is which party proposes reasonable laws for ALL citizens? Viewed form that perspective there is a reason liberals believe conservatives are the problem. Conservatives propose laws which only benefit their constituency i.e. abortion, gun rights, taxes, etc. The underlying problem is political paranoia. Conservatives believe liberals are coming to get them, lock them up, re-educate them, take their guns, cause them to change sex, etc. From this paranoia flows all proposals from the right i.e. they are trying to protect themselves from delusions.

In large part the right IS the problem. However, since the polls say each party blames the other, without the benefit of substance, I can only conclude there is no problem, and therefore independents are obviously delusional.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions