Originally Posted by rporter314
how does that play out at the ballot box
I have to wonder if I am typing in a foreign language, that you fail to comprehend anything I type. I DON'T FRAKKING CARE WHAT THE POLLS SAY OR HOW IT TRANSLATE AT THE BALLOT BOX. Git it.

I am typing about a statement of fact, not belief, or what a poll says people believe, or how they will vote or may vote. Just the facts.

70% of Republicans BELIEVE the 2020 election was stolen. They believe it because Trump told them it was true and valid. If there was evidence of it, I would not have typed they are delusional, and yet I did. Why?

So let's review all the evidence they say, they believe proves it.

Dominion voting machines ... no one has been able to find a single flipped vote (o and Smartmatic wasn't even in the states they say prove it) .... stuffed ballot boxes ... investigated ad nauseum without finding stuffed boxes

Watermarks ... Bamboo ... Space lasers ... paper size ... Chinese made thermostats ... internet connections ... servers in Germany ... software written for Chavez .... yep non one has been able to find a singe shred of evidence any of those things took place or existed

Bayesian analysis used by multiple "experts" who say there were anomalies ... and yet none can produce a single vote which was miscounted (add to that mis-application of Bayesian analysis and it multiplies the egregiousness of the arrogance of the "experts")

and lastly, changing voting regulations instituted by local election boards, county courts/commissioners, state courts, but not state legislatures .... yep it turns out each change did not in any way disenfranchise anyone of any political party, and further it has been the practice of all these entities to do the same for many years as directed by state legislatures

In conclusion, without any evidence of a stolen election 70% of Republicans believe what was just proven to be not true nor valid. Therefore I can only conclude Republicans as a whole are delusional. It is a statement of fact.

My conclusion is not partisan as any objective person should have derived the same conclusion based on the facts .... not on the polls.

O and BTW .... this is only one of several characteristics of Republicans which can be used to demonstrate they are delusional and none of it is based on partisan politics. Facts are invariant in time and space.
Yes, I got it. You don’t give an owl’s hoot what all of America thinks, believes, wants, wishes for etc. Just what your 30% of this country think, believe, want and wishes for. You’re coming in loud and clear. So feel free to ignore any and all of my post as I’m interested in all of American, every American, not just of the democratic party or the liberal persuasion 30%.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.