Apparently when the facts or the truth hits you in the butt you have to confer with a poll to find out if it really happened.
You don’t give an owl’s hoot what all of America thinks, believes, wants, wishes for etc. Just what your 30% of this country think, believe, want and wishes for.
My 30%!!!!! I represent one person who is only interested in the facts. You must be in the 70% (based on your numbers) who don't care about the facts. My argument was a fact based analysis of a purported stolen election. You apparently must believe the election was stolen, otherwise as an objective person you would have recognized a compelling and non-partisan nature argument.
Best I can figure is you don't care what the facts are, only what people believe. I take a different approach to understanding reality and it starts with knowing what the facts are. You apparently on the other hand need a poll to tell you what people believe reality is.
Look .... sometimes in life one has to tell it as it is. When the dealer turns an ace on the flop, you don't ask the table players for a poll .... you say well that's an ace.
When you say you're interested in what all Americans believe, it sounds as if all you're doing is finding a rationalization for avoiding facing the facts or truth. A "random" group of people completing a questionnaire does not determine the facts or the truth. Truth stands on a foundation of facts, not polls.
So was the 2020 election stolen from Trump? Surely you can accumulate and analyze the resulting facts without consulting a poll? Was there an insurrection on J6 2021? Surely you can accumulate and analyze the resulting facts without consulting a poll? The WHOLE nation is waiting in bated breathe to hear your answers.