the Democrats first impeachment of Trump ...
Sounds like you don't think the phone records of a call for quid pro quo was not an abuse of office. I will point out that at least two Republicans, Rep McCarthy and Sen Graham, both called it quid pro quo before they had read the call record and then conveniently changed their mind after they read the record. And several news reports had Republicans (read that real Republicans not MAGA-heads) saying in private it was definitely quid pro quo. As a whole Senate Republicans could not bring themselves to convict the de facto head of the party and sole leader of THE BASE. Had it been a Democrat president I would have had no choice but to convict ... it was an abuse of office.

The Republican controlled house needs no valid reason for impeachment
While the use of the word "Republican" is generic for anyone associated with the Republican Party. more to the point and more accurate would be the term "MAGA-head adherents" who guide current agendas. I suspect no real Republican would broach the subject of impeachment, especially based on policy differences. So in a general respect I agree. The MAGA-heads have to seek revenge for Trump and will for whatever reason they can imagine file articles of impeachment ... a dealers choice based on current whims of Trump and/or his loyalists congresspeople.

The border issues are complex and I can not imagine any of the MAGA-heads pragmatically understand them. For impeachment articles it would be a distillation of policy differences, but more importantly I see this as a failure of Congress to address the issue. The executive branch is forced to deal with a problem which it can not legally handle in any respect. It is forced to prioritize a variety of initiatives in an attempt to constrain an increasingly large number of illegals and asylum seekers into a manageable program. My conclusion based on evidence from the last 5 administrations is without a Congressional imprimatur every succeeding administration will be faced with the same problems and there will be no solutions. The wall is not a solution ... just a soundbite for the right. We need real solutions from serious people and the MAGA-heads are not serious. With them in charge of the House there will never be a solution.

I believe there are serious people willing to entertain real solutions, but I also believe none are willing to consider any comprehensive solutions as they would fall far outside the purview of the Rio Grande River. I suspect any attempt at real solutions would have to encompass inclusion of all of the Americas. If I have any hope of wearing sunglasses because the future will be bright, we will have to accept the proposition the peoples of this hemisphere are all in the same boat and we all need to man the oars.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions