Trends on the movement of States: Blue to Red or Red to Blue

There has been movement from 2000-2023 for the states from red to blue or blue to red. Below is the movement based on PVI, Partisan Voting Index along with their number of electoral votes for the 2024 presidential election.

Arizona from an R+6 down to an R+2. Moving blue. 11 electoral votes
Florida from R+1 to a R+3 getting slightly redder. 30 electoral votes
Georgia from a R+10 down to an R+3 Moving blue 16 electoral votes
Michigan from a D+6 to a R+1 Moving Red 15 electoral votes
Minnesota from a D+10 down to a D+1 moving Red 10 electoral votes
Nevada from D+3 to R+1 Moving Red 6 electoral votes
North Carolina from an R+13 down to a R+3 moving blue 16 electoral votes
Ohio From an R+4 up to an R+6 Becoming more red 17 electoral votes
Pennsylvania from D+4 to R+2 moving red 19 electoral votes
Texas from an R+20 down to an R+5 moving blue 40 electoral votes
Wisconsin from a D+10 to a R+2 moving red 10 electoral votes

Interesting to note some southern states trending blue, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas with Florida being the exception as it is trending redder. States from the Midwest, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin are turning red with Ohio getting redder. Out west Nevada is trending red while Arizona is trending blue.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.