Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Once upon a time, the alt-left was VERY ANGRY at Obama for using drones during a war.
Then Trump was president and the alt-left became very very quiet about drones even though Trump vastly expanded their use and allowed civilian deaths to go through the roof, the very things the alt-left said they were VERY ANGRY about during Obama's presidency.

After that, Biden became president and the alt-left was, once again, VERY ANGRY about the use of drones. But Biden ended the war in Afghanistan and we are not slaughtering civilians by the hundreds like we were under Trump. Drones stopped being a convenient avenue of attack on the president.

Fast forward a little more and we see Russia deploying drones on a massive scale to kill civilians and destroy Ukrainian infrastructure with the explicit goal of murdering millions through exposure and deprivation.
Where are the protests from the alt-left against this cruel abuse of drones? Nowhere to be found. The silence is absolute and deafening.

I am opposed to weaponized drones. The more we use them, the more likely it is that we will bring them home and unleash them on the American public. There is a true debate to held around this.
But that is not the debate the alt-left is interested in.
They only care about drones when a Democrat is president and they can score political points. If you only care about an issue when it can be used as a weapon, you don't really care about it at all. You're just another f*cking hypocrite.

The alt-left uses drones the exact same way Republicans use the debt and abortion: A cudgel to attack Democrats.
(Justin Rosario)

I’m glad you got that weird internal personal argument cleared up with yourself.

Sheesh… almost sounds like a wHaTaboUtisM going on there.

Maybe the chicken hawks shouldn’t have provoked this war with Russia they’ve had a hard on for since Obama.

Oh well. Hacks always have excuses for their crappy performances. When this latest neocon boondoggle backfires, I’ll expect the reflexive left punching to only get more shrill than this post from those camps. As if there were any political left in this country wielding any political influence. Nah, this is a rightwing led boondoggle with full support of the PMC’s and their cornball excuses for why they couldn’t get their neocon mother goddess over the finish line in 16.

But don’t worry. There’ll always be China to move onto, maybe another Iron Sheikh again from these hysterics.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 01/27/23 06:24 PM.