Ponder, you might be correct on all the rest, but if the House impeaches Biden, then the senate must hold a trial. There’s no way around this as it’s a Constitutional requirement. I do agree that most of the bills passed by the Republican House will be tabled by Schumer never to see the light of day in the senate. Also, chaos will reign in the House. This is interesting and describes the Republicans problem.
Republicans confront bitter divide; no clear path forward
https://www.yahoo.com/news/republicans-confront-bitter-divide-no-051507906.htmlUnless I missed something, I’m not sure on the reason the DOJ would indict a member of congress. You can’t indict or charge someone with a crime in how they voted in congress even it was not to certify an election. Now if they had ties with or participated with those who stormed the Capital, that would be different and cause for an indictment. How a congressman or senator votes, I don’t think so. Time may prove me wrong on this. Either that or I’m missing what these members did outside of their vote not to certify an election. Which is very possible.