Most polls for the last election were within the MOE, margin of error. You sound like the Trumpers after 2016 and going into 2020. The polls were wrong, the polls were wrong. It's just few know how to read them. The polls predicted the GOP would win the congressional popular vote by a 2.5 margin, they won it by 2.8. You can’t get any closer than that. There was a margin of error with the 2.5 predicted margin of +5.5 to a low of -0.5 when adding the MOE which all polls have of usually plus or minus 3 points. Being only off by 0.3 of a single point is outstanding.

Red Wave, the Republican never lead in the generic congressional ballot by the plus 8 or more that would have predicted that. The most the Republicans lead by was 4.8 points back on 28 April. Which would roughly equate to a 20-seat house gain plus one senate seat. That’s still at least 10 seats off from what would qualify as a wave election. A wave election is the party out of power, not in control regaining control with a net gain of 30 plus seats. As late as 25 September the Democrats had an 0.3-point lead in the generic congressional ballot. That would equate to a 50-50 chance of the Democrats retaining control of the House. Then the Republicans regained the lead and finished with a 2.5-point lead over the Democrats. Roughly forecasting a net gain for the GOP of 10-15 seats. They gained 9. Again, that is about as close as one is going to get.

If you don’t trust the polls, that fine. But the polls had it right in 2022. Commentators on Fox didn’t as Fox was just telling their viewership what their viewers wanted to hear. What Fox was basing their red wave predictions on, I haven’t a clue. It certainly wasn’t the polls.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.