The polls didn’t as I showed you in cold hard numbers. For a wave election to happen the party out of power must have at least a plus 8 advantage in the generic. The largest GOP lead occurred in April of 2022 at 4.7 points. That’s 3.3 points below the minimum needed to forecast a wave election. The Democrats grabbed a 1-point lead in September which would forecast a wash type election. Either party gaining or losing somewhere between 1-5 seats. The Republicans regained the lead and finished with a 2.5-point lead. Which would indicate somewhere around 15 seats give or take a seat or two. Hence my own forecast of 13 seats, Greger’s 11 and your’s with the Democrats retaining control.

You can scroll down to the graph and further down you can see all the polls. None of us here came close to forecasting a red wave election. I have concluded the political talking heads are full of it. I think it was a case of these talking heads telling their viewers what they wanted to happen than what the polls were actually stating. Which doesn’t surprise me one bit. We’ve talked about this a lot during the final months leading up to the midterms, everyone agreed that there would be no red wave. Yet here you are jumping on the red wave bandwagon. Even yourself didn’t predict a red wave. Why now?

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.