They have ample evidence without Pence's testimony
That was WSJ's opinion. What they have is testimony from secondary players. None of the principles have come forward with damning testimony. They all took the legal obstruction path.

Meadows was way more involved than Pence, and he's going to sing like a bird to avoid a 20+ year sentence. If he does not make a deal, he's still going to be in prison LONG after Trump is dead, for nothing.
Yeah and lots of talking legal pundits assured the public Weisselberg would be a talking parrot, and yet he fell on his sword and is languishing in Rikers, so I am not so convinced any of the principle coup conspirators will provide meaningful testimony. Check out people like Navarro and Eastman. They both continue to maintain their planks of the plot were legal and justified.

It's holding a 14th amendment hearing and disqualifying all the insurectionists and their supporters from ever holding office again
Sounds good but of all of these candidates who ran for office and were involved in the attack on the capitol or involved as low level participants in the coup, only one was removed from candidate qualification lists. The favorite legal response was "I can't remember". And no one is interested in bringing current members of Congress before any ethics or legal panel to expose their involvement in the coup.

Basically a large number of Republicans supported an insurrection which failed and received no legal consequences for their actions and yet are considered heroes for the cause in their own party. Now they will have internal armed support from members of Congress the next time insurrectionists assault the Capitol.

Nope. I see no reason for celebration. Even if Smith can bring a compelling, incontrovertible case before the public, the insurrectionists have and will become even more brazen and emboldened to pursue the path of non-peaceable transition of power. THE BASE of the Republican Party has leveraged their position to extort those who lack the integrity to face them and stand up for Democracy. This is not a good look for Democracy and it doesn't bode well as to it's health.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!