A while back I posted on this site a list of states, blue states trending red, red states trending blue. Several of the state’s blacks are moving out of are on my blue states trending red, some of the red states trending blue are the states the blacks are moving to. Make of this what you will.

Democrats: Why in the Hell Are Black People Moving to Red States?


Also interesting when it comes to the black vote is how the percentage of blacks voting republican has increased with each election since 2008. The percentage of blacks who voted Republican in 2008 4%, 2012 6%, 2016, 8%, 2020 12%, 2022 13%. This is a small trend taking its time, but a trend, nonetheless. Hispanics have also increased their percentage voting republican since 2012, from 27% to 39% in 2022.

Interestingly since Kemp is mentioned in the Article, he received 13% of the black vote, 43% of the Hispanic vote while running against Stacy Abrams, a black woman who he defeated by 8 points. DeSantis in Florida matched Kemp with 13% of the black vote, 13% was the national average for 2022. He did even better among Hispanics receiving 58% of their vote. Way above the national average of 39%. Compare those votes to New York where only 6% of blacks voted republican along with 22% or Hispanics. Texas was also interesting, 15% of blacks voted for Abbot, 43% of Hispanics did also. Above the national average.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.