Did you read the article? It explains why blacks are moving to the south, to places like Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and Texas. From the article on some of the reasons why.

What matters is that Black unemployment is higher in California, Illinois, and New York than in Florida, Georgia, or Texas. What matters is that of the 12 most segregated cities for Black people, as measured by Brookings, 11 of them are north of the Mason-Dixon Line.


Recent stories in the New York Times and Washington Post, feature the massive declines in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco of blacks.

In those cities, the cost of living on top of the grinding structural racism in housing, schools, jobs and entrepreneurship, chews at Black people more than red meat Southern politics. The Democrats can talk all the Black Lives Matter they want, but the nitty gritty of a roof over the head and bread on the table is more important than a ranting Ron DeSantis in Florida, a curmudgeonly Greg Abbott in Texas, or a combative Brian Kemp in Georgia.

Read the article, your questions will be answered as to why before you rant and rave.


What’s happening is the political landscape of 1960 is returning slowly with migration playing a big part. In 1960 most of the northeast and Midwest along with California was red. The South a solid blue. Virginia has already become a blue state, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas in 10-20 years or so will follow. But states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota are slowly getting redder. Many states in the northeast are becoming likely democratic instead of solid democratic.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.