the grinding structural racism
All Republicans dispute that statement and say there is no such thing.

Objective people and those affected by "the grinding structural racism" know the truth.

Republican denial of that racism is what has powered and empowered THE BASE, so now the party is dependent on what THE BASE wants. Right now it wants Trump and the politics of revenge against all people not loyal to Trump.

Consider Texas Republicans. If you are not loyal and pass the purity test you will be censured. If that sounds like it came out of some 3rd rate dictators playbook .... well it did. Fascism has come to the mainstream Republican Party. Gov DeSantis said it best. He won 50% of the vote but he'll use 100% of the power for his own agenda, which is use of big government to crush all opposition to his ideas and rule.

If you think this may be a problem for America ... honk

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!