I don’t know Rick, I’m a numbers guy and a non-partisan. I see a trend over the last 15 or so years where the portion of the black vote who vote Republican has grown from 4% to 13%. The portion of the Hispanic vote from 26% to 39%. Where that growth is varies from state to state. Hispanic and black men are much more liable to vote Republican than Hispanic and black women. 17% of black men voted republican in 2022 vs 10% of black women. 45% of Hispanic men voted Republican vs. 33% of Hispanic women which follows the overall gender vote of 56% of men voting Republican, 45% of women voting republican.


Maybe it’s more man vs. women thing? The thing is the 13% of blacks voting republican in 2022 is the highest since 1972 when 15% of blacks voted Republican. The 39% of Hispanics voting Republican in 2022 was also the highest since 1972 with the lone exception of 2004 when G.W. Bush received 40% of the Hispanic vote. The 40% of the white vote the Democrats received in 2022 was a bit below the historical average they normally receive of the white vote going back to 1976 when the Democrats received 48%. The Historical average since 1972 is 42% of the white vote. The last time the Democrats won the white vote was in 1964.

These are the numbers, as to the reasons why, I assume with each election they’re different. The reasons are dynamic and change as do the numbers, percentages.

Interesting tidbits on congress.
There are 52 Hispanic or Latino Members in Congress. Of the Members of the House, 32 are Democrats
and 13 are Republicans. Of the seven Hispanic Senators, three Republicans, four Democrats
There are 59 African American Members, Fifty-six serve in the House. Fifty-four of the African American House Members, are Democrats and two are Republicans. Two of the Senators are Democrats and
one is Republican.


It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.