A lot of people who knew that the election was not stolen, was not infected by massive fraud, continued to repeat the allegations that it was - former president Trump, first among them, and including some of his megaphones on Fox News, irresponsibly pedaled false narratives.

That's outrageous. This reenforces the notion that the attack on the Capitol was motivated by lies to the American people. A lot of people attacking the Capitol on J6 sincerely believed that the election was stolen. That's because many Republicans lied to them. This is one of the central takeaways from the Dominion v Fox lawsuit discovery which is providing further evidence of Republicans lying to the American people about the 2020 election. mad

If Fox cared about the truth that it now acknowledges as seen by the lawsuit discovery, Fox would have its top personalities reporting that truth to its audience - but they're not doing that.

A significant percentage of Americans who still wrongly believe the 2020 election was stolen - including so many of Fox's own loyal viewers, who heard it over and over again on Fox's airwaves. After all, as Rupert Murdoch himself admitted, Fox is 'uniquely positioned to state the message that the election was not stolen,' and yet Fox continues to fail to do so even today.

Contrarian, extraordinaire