For me Jeffrey, what’s this trend means is that for those solely relying on the change in demographics to make the Democratic Party a permanent majority party may be in for a rude surprise. I went back to 1972, women always voted more Democratic than men since then regardless of race. During this time 1972-2022, republicans have always won the men’s vote with the lone exception of 1992 when Democrats won the men’s vote 41-39, Bill Clinton over G.H.W. Bush, but Perot received 21% of the men’s vote that year. Without Perot, the GOP probably would have won the men’s vote that year also. Women voted Republican in 1980, 84, 88, but voted Democratic ever since. Sometimes by huge margins. I’d say the republican party has become the party of men, the democratic party the party of women regardless of race. This is speaking in generalities as sometime the winning gap has been as close as a point or two, sometimes as much as 10 points. Still, we expect women to vote democratic, men to vote republican.

One other thing, Hispanics. The improvement of the GOP among Hispanics for 2022 occurred mostly in the border states. Texas, 45% of Hispanics voted Republican, 42% in New Mexico, 41% in Arizona. Then in Florida 58% of Hispanics voting republican. The rest of the states were within a point or two of the national average, 39%. That 39% was the highest in congressional elections since 1972 when these stats began and the second highest since 1972 in presidential. G.W. Bush received 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2004.

Will this trend continue in 2024? Can the republicans get more than 13% of the black vote? Can they receive more than 39% of the Hispanic vote? Will black and Hispanic men continue their drift toward the GOP while black and Hispanic women remain loyal to the Democrats? That depends on the candidates and the country’s situation at the time in my opinion.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.