Here's the problem. Suppose I plead the 5th. Do you have any evidence that I had in point of fact committed a crime? If no, then there would be no recourse on your part, if yes then you wouldn't need my testimony regarding my actions.

I believe that is precisely the problem prosecutors have with any Trump investigations. Unless the principles admit to their illegal actions, then I suspect there is not much a prosecutor can do, except try and extort testimony. But as we have seen all the principles involved with Trump have fallen on their swords to protect Trump. All that is left is circumstantial evidence of a crime. Is it enough to convince a jury? I don't know. This is precisely why I believe any prosecutor who brings charges had better have an iron clad case and a truly objective jury (one without any MAGA-heads).

Examples of non-objective juries would include the Senate during impeachment proceedings. Had the defendant been any one except Trump, that defendant would have been convicted in both cases. But because Senate Republicans had to placate THE BASE, they were compelled to acquit.

The Republican base is the most powerful group of people in America. In the next election THE BASE will have an inside man so to speak, with an armed contingent of accomplices in the House. I'll let the reader's imagination do the rest.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!