I’ve been going over the Republican primary polls. I’m not sure that DeSantis will announce that he will be seeking the Republican Presidential nomination contrary to everyone else. If he does, I think DeSantis will wait until late in the year to see if Trump is indicted in New York or Georgia or by the DOJ. If Trump is, that will be when DeSantis jumps in. If not, DeSantis may give the GOP presidential nomination a pass. This is just a gut feeling on my part. Here are how the polls show the Republican presidential nomination process between Trump and DeSantis. Haley is below 5% in all of these, so I left her out.

Nationally Trump 42% DeSantis 30
Pennsylvania Trump 49% DeSantis 31%
Florida Trump 27% DeSantis 52%
New Hampshire Trump 58% DeSantis 17%
Virginia Trump 39% DeSantis 28%
Arizona Trump 42% DeSantis 28%
California Trump 28% DeSantis 37%
Kansas Trump 30% DeSantis 17%
South Carolina T 43% DeSantis 28%

These are the only states with recent polls on the Republican Presidential nomination process. DeSantis leads in only 2, Florida and California. My gut, nothing rational or in writing or even being talked about. I don’t think DeSantis will take the plunge unless Trump is indicted. Then DeSantis would look like the ideal alternative to Trump. DeSantis will continue to campaign like he’s running, but won’t announce unless Trump is indicted. There’s no way for DeSantis to win otherwise as the MAGA, Trump supporters within the GOP is the largest faction probably around 45%. Time will tell what happens. I’ll also add, if Trump is indicted, there will be plenty of other besides DeSantis take the plunge.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.