It can't happen in America.

I think that was your argument for everything Trump did.

I believe you were one of the many people who concluded prior to 2016 Clinton would win, because the polls .... it also seems I was one of a few who warned Trump support may be more than the polls show, and especially after Comey skewed the election.

Yes I fear Trump because I know what he is capable of ... everything.

Your arguments for why Trump is bad for the party is simply whistling in the dark, but guess what, your argument is the same as the one supporters use .... his rallies were so big he had to win. He was bad for the party in 2016 and 2020, and now. Doesn't mean anything.

What matters is the current state of play. Trump is leading the polls ( throwing a bone to the polls). He still controls THE BASE. He (and by extension THE BASE) continues to extort moderate Republicans (read that as rational). The House Republican caucus now can carry weapons on the House floor. So during certification they will be armed. A significant number of states are now rejecting rational plans for voter security in favor of chaos, by rejecting ERIC, passing voter disenfranchisement bills, appointing election deniers to offices which control elections, etc. By 2024 many states will be able to control the outcome of the vote, either legally or illegally. Barring a rigged election by Trump supporting Republicans, should he lose in spite of the rigging, he will still have an avenue to overthrow the results by staging another coup, and now he will have inside help (armed House members).

I know ... it can't happen in America. Words written on a beach while a hurricane lands.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!