That’s correct Rick, at least as it stands today. But who knows how it will stand in 8 or 9 months from now when the primaries start heating up. The problem for anti-Trump Republicans, that anti-Trump is too strong as they would support Trump if he wins the nomination. Those Republicans who don’t want Trump to be their nominee out of fear of close to being a guaranteed general election loss are way too divided to settle on a single candidate to prevent Trump from gaining the nomination. Also, way too many of the more high-profile Republican, the bigger names are afraid to jump in know their chances as of today are close to nil. A no name challenger won’t due. Haley comes to mind. Going over the probable’s or possible’s, there’s no one there that can successfully challenge Trump. At least as of today, tomorrow, who knows?

It looks like Biden has clear sailing if he decides to run again. I’m sure the Democratic Party leadership knows the history of sitting presidents who were challenged with their own party. They all either withdrew and the one who challenged the sitting president lost as in the case of Kefauver vs. Truman 1952 or McCarthy vs. LBJ 1968, Eisenhower and Nixon won over Stevenson and Humphrey. Or the sitting president was able to pull out a win in the primaries only to lose in the general election, Ford 1976 vs. Reagan, Carter 1980 vs. Kennedy, G.H.W. Bush 1992 vs. Buchanan.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.