It's not that Trump scares me, he does not. I think he is a pathetic little orange man that should have been tried for treason
What does worry me is what he started. The Maga movement. To me, this is nothing more than a group that want to obtain authoritarianism. They are unable to understand, that, should what they want, were to happen here, they will be treated no different than the rest of us. They will be enslaved right along with the rest of us.

This Maga movement now includes Congress persons who are gung-ho about obtaining the Maga goal. And Maga state legislators, which could be even more dangerous than MAGA congress people. BTW, the MAGA rule is not to make America great again. It is to make America a dictatorship with their dictator in charge. Again, they are not able to comprehend that they will be minions too.

How much longer until Maga also infects the Senate? Then what? The Presidency again? If they again gain the Presidency, it's over.

Good doesn't always win!