Variety commissioned a poll showing the Fox News audience is responding to bombshell internal communications between Fox News hosts and executives made public as part of the ongoing lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems.

Variety commissioned the survey from Maru Group, who questioned “1,524 randomly selected American adults who are Maru Springboard America online panelists.”

The survey was conducted on March 10-12 and divided the participants into two groups - Fox viewers who are aware of the lawsuit and those who are unaware.

According to the poll, 21% percent of Fox News viewers said they trust the network less following the release of evidence in the Dominion case.

Nine percent of Fox viewers said they were watching the network less since those revelations, while other viewers said they have watched Fox more in recent weeks.

The survey found that whether viewers knew about the lawsuit or not, Fox News viewers were more likely to believe the 2020 election was rigged - showing the damage that Fox News has done to our democracy and our elections with their lies.

Contrarian, extraordinaire