Convict and jail the criminal son-of-a-bitch

Indictments, we are told, are coming for Donald John Trump. About time. Lock the bastard up and let him rot.

March 16, 2023

[Linked Image from]
Where Trump and his collaborators belong. (Getty Images/Salon)

In 2015; political pontificators from both sides of the morass that is America’s political swamp viewed the candidacy of Donald John Trump as the proverbial flea climbing the hind leg of an elephant with rape on his mind.

We had seen these pretenders to the throne too many times in past election cycles: Ross Perot, Rin Paul, et al. “America needs a businessman as President,” some said. Trump claimed to be a seff-made real estate mogul but that claim, like so much of what he said, was verbal diarrhea, a toxic tsunami of toxic lies by a con man just one step ahead of the truth and the law.

Too many pundits dismissed Trump as little more than what he was: A fast-talking reality show host who sold a fantasy chance to become part of his illusions.

“No problem,” proclaimed the clockers and watchers who pretend to know what did or did hot sell to brainwashed voters.

On election day of 2016, most voters didn’t buy into the fantasy of Trump, who lost the popular vote but a gerrymandered political Electoral College map replaced the will of the people. Voters woke up and threw Trump out onto his corrupt ass, so he tried and failed to overturn a legal election on Jan. 6, 2021, by interfering with the normal routine certification of the Electoral College counts by inciting a seditious riot that trashed the Capitol, threatened the lives of members of Congress and their families with actions that also led to deaths.

Trump’s many criminal acts have brought multiple criminal investigations and grand jury probes with indictments coming soon in New York, Georgia, and Washington.

“Donald Trump may finally be indicted,” writes columnist Charles Blow in the New York Times. “Finally!”

He adds:

The justice system must be untethered from political implications and consequences, even the possibility of disruptive consequences.

For instance, could an indictment and prosecution of Trump cause consternation and possibly even unrest? Absolutely. Trump has been preparing his followers for his martyrdom for years and evangelizing to them the idea that any sanctioning of him is an attack on them. This transference of feelings of persecution and pain from manufactured victimhood is a classic psychological device of a cult leader.

Trump uses the passions he has inflamed as a political threat against those pursuing him: In 2019, when he was facing impeachment, he took to Twitter, citing a quote from Pastor Robert Jeffress, who’d appeared on Fox News and recklessly posited that if Trump were removed from office “it will cause a Civil War-like fracture in this nation from which this country will never heal.”

Last year, on a conservative talk radio show, Trump said that if he were indicted in connection with his alleged mishandling of classified documents, “I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before. I don’t think the people of the United States would stand for it.”

Over and over, Trump has goaded his supporters in this direction: whether during the 2016 presidential race, urging rallygoers to “knock the crap out of” people who might disrupt the proceedings, or telling the Proud Boys, during a 2020 debate, to “stand back and stand by.”

On Jan. 6, 2021, he waited and watched the attack on the Capitol for hours, resisting pleas from his own advisers to try to stop it. When Trump finally made a statement, he downplayed the insurrection and reluctantly told the rioters to go home, but not without adding: “We love you. You’re very special.”

Trump is the impresario of incitement. He’ll use any attempt to hold him accountable to agitate and activate his loyalists.

That’s not a reason to avoid vigorously and swiftly pursuing him legally, but rather a reason to do it. If we establish a precedent that amassing a significant threat to society is a ward against enforcement of the law, it makes a mockery of the law.

Prosecuting Trump wouldn’t break the country. On the contrary, it would be a step toward mending it, a step toward undergirding the flimsy promise of “equal justice under law.”

The eyes of the country are on these cases — the eyes of all those who’ve been badgered for minor violations, who’ve had the book thrown at them for crimes that others either got away with or served no time for. Not only are they watching, but so are their loved ones and their communities.

They, too, are America, and further damaging their faith in the country should matter as much as damaging the faith of any other part of our body politic.

To rehabilitate American justice, Trump must be prosecuted.

Not only prosecuted but convicted and punished. Throw his fat, criminal ass into each and every jail and prison required for his multiple crimes in various jurisdictions: Federal, state, and local.

America deserves no less and no criminal against our state has ever deserved it more.

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