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A letter to POTUS Biden, signed by 19 Republican House/Senate members, parrots many Russian propaganda narratives, including dismissing Ukraine’s sovereignty by labeling the conflict a “proxy war” between Russia and the United States.
The biggest sickest joke is today's alt-Left presenting Trump as the "antiwar" president BECAUSE S-H-I-T lib Dems love Ukraine! The Venn Diagram between alt-Left and alt-Right is now a perfect circle.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Trump is not anti-war. Trump is pro-Russia. Any conquest that Putin wants, Trump would let him have it. That's not an anti-war stance, that's lick Putin's ass-crack clean stance.
Trump is not anti-war. Trump is pro-Russia. Any conquest that Putin wants, Trump would let him have it. That's not an anti-war stance, that's lick Putin's ass-crack clean stance.
You're talking reality and I'm talking presentation and diddling the yokels. Of course he isn't antiwar, but the alt-Left are every bit as ignorant as the alt-Right.
"What IS the alt-Left?" We had a guy here who chewed up the scenery defending Putin for no less than a year and a half. He yelled "Bandera" so many times that my Alexa began having identity issues.
Last edited by Jeffery J. Haas; 04/24/2306:07 PM.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
The election wan't stolen as many Rwingers claim. The Supreme Court was. We now have the most corrupt Supreme Court in history, thanks to Rwing Federalist Society for suggesting the corrupt Rwingers for bench positions, and who were then nominated and placed.
The Founders established a form of government with three-equal branches that would keep checks on each other.
Our current corrupt Supreme Court answers to neither of the other branches - or to We The People. THAT is a problem.
I think what you are trying to type is .... The Supreme Court is above the law.
Presumably if Congress passed a bill which would restrict the Judicial branch in any way, they could file a suit and have it heard before the very court which was restricted. If a suit had been filed, it would be a foregone conclusion they would rule the law was unConstitutional, which makes them above the law.
I'll bet the Founders never considered that conundrum when writing the Constitution.
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
Over the weekend, there was a mass-shooting of a family in Texas. The father of the family asked his neighbor to stop shooting off his AR-15 as a baby in the family was sleeping.
The neighbor went and shot and killed the family, instead. Now he's MIA and the police are looking for them.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott went out of his way when discussing this incident to state that the deceased family are "illegal immigrants." As if THAT matters. What the HELL is wrong with RWingers?!?
Texas Governor Greg Abbott went out of his way when discussing this incident to state that the deceased family are "illegal immigrants." As if THAT matters. What the HELL is wrong with RWingers?!?
Gotta keep those Christian White Nationalists angry and afraid on account of the Terror Caravan members who were threatening that guy's Second Amendment rights!
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com