If a Republican (including Trump himself) wins next election they will as a first act pardon Trump of all alleged or jury convicted crimes. If convicted he will probably have an army of attorneys keep him out of an orange jumpsuit, until he dies or a Republican wins the general election.

Republicans have apparently installed enough legal infrastructure to ensure no Democrat can ever win an election regardless of the actual vote. Partisan Republicans are in control of election boards, which can throw out votes it deems inappropriate for whatever reason, or partisan legislative initiatives which preclude any Democrat to ever win an election. I now predict if a Democrat were to have all the votes a Republican would be declared winner.

It can now be concluded Trump is indeed above the law and Republicans believe they are as well.

Sorry folks the delusional crazies have won. Democracy is dead in America .... and yes, I am the mad man from the mountains.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions