Speaking of "hypothetical case", I typed in 2016 someone should have brought suits against Trump for every imaginable possibility of Constitutional criminal activity while occupying the WH. Had that had happened we would have all manner of Constitutional opinions which would have made it very easy to prosecute his misconduct (read that as Constitutional crimes). Thus we would have had the leader of the insurrection, and all his cronies and allies in Congress, behind bars long ago. Alas that did not happen and now we have this morass of legal activity which will drag on into election season, and when a Republican wins the general all these insurrectionists will be pardoned and given pensions for the "patriotic" duty to reinstall the criminal Trump as occupant of the WH.

If you're thinking we still have some hope ... well I don't need sunglasses as the future don't look so bright from where I sit

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!