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The infrastructure is in place and the courts are primed and ready to decide in favor of Republicans. Republican legislatures have already structured voting qualifications geared to reduce Democrat votes but mere slim thousands (which may be all that is necessary for Republicans to outright win) and if that fails then voting boards now have the legislative right and mandate to disallow any votes they deem as fraudulent including whole counties. If they can't win at that level then they have courts with Rump appointed judges willing to side with Republicans in any voting issue. If they don't win at that point, they have an armed contingent of House members who will side with any insurrectionists willing to disrupt federal proceedings (under a blanket pardon) to throw out Democrat certified electors.
So if a rigged election is what you have in mind .... well the Republicans have the Hungarian lock on winning the 2024.
I am not sure a massive Democrat (or anti-Republican) turnout will be enough to ensure Democracy survives
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
Senior defense analyst and former naval aviator Brynn Tannehill wrote a piece for The New Republic titled: “People Aren’t Facing Up to the Horrors a New Trump Term Would Bring.”
"People forget just how awful the Trump presidency was: daily chaos, naked power grabs, corruption, pandering to religious extremists, weaponization of government for personal vendettas, degradation of our democracy, and the constant assault on the rights of women, persons of color, and LGBTQ people."
Tannehill continues:
[Trump is] “coming back with the entire conservative apparatus at his back, having spent four years in the wilderness methodically planning how to permanently alter the political and legal landscape of the country to favor an anti-democratic minority.”
Per the New York Times, Donald Trump and his top allies are planning to massively reorganize the entire executive branch to hand him unprecedented power and decimate the constitutional basis of checks and balances, should he win re-election next year.
Luckily, for us democracy-loving folks, Trump will get nowhere near the White House as a result of the 2024 election. A J6 indictment is imminent, and that trial will be in DC and most likely wrap up before Aileen Cannon's May 20, 2024 trail in Florida for Trump's theft of national secret docs, even begins.
Most people are no aware that for whatever reason, Trump brought back the firing squad during his reign of terror. The firing squad would be the most appropriate form of punishment for the sick, twisted, demented-minded orange clown who once presided over America.
Luckily, for us democracy-loving folks, Trump will get nowhere near the White House as a result of the 2024 election.
I wouldn't count on that. That third party is going to spoil it for Biden. Trump will win in 2024. Trump will run because he IS above the law. He will never pay the price for what he has caused. The only thing that will stop that is if something were to happen to his health that would stop him from winning. I just hope the senate and congress goes/stays Democratic controlled. That will be our only hope of holding on to our democracy. All other outcomes appear to me like we will be an autocratic government. I sure hope I end up being totally wrong on this, but the indicators I am seeing/feeling lead me this way.
The only reason to vote for someone is to ensure that they win.
Munchin would never win a POTUS' election. Essentially anyone voting for a 3rd party Munchin would be throwing their vote way - they might as well not vote.
I'm not worried about the No Labels attempt. I get that a lot of folks don't want either Trump or ol' Joe, but 3rd party is not as popular as when Ross Perot tried it.
I didn't say a 3rd party could win. I know at this time, they could not. But, they don't have to win for Trump to again take office. I do think there are enough people that won't vote for Trump or Biden but would for Manchin (or someone else depending on who it is) to throw it to Trump.
Munchin won't get votes...he's not popular with anybody but the fossil fuel industry.
A lot of women both R & D are still pissed at the SCOTUS Ruling over Roe in 2022. The economy is doing well. Unemployment is down. Inflation is under control. The stock market is humming.
So far the GOP's 2024 campaign appears to be: - Biden has a 7th grandchild - Someone left coke in the West Wing - Biden refuses to disown his son Hunter - Roll back rights for Black people - LGBTQ people are coming to steal your children - We still support the guy with 74 alleged felonies (...with more coming! )
Meanwhile the Colorado and Arizona republican parties are flat broke after placating the stolen election lie and the Michigan GOP can’t stop fighting with each other.
Apparently, more state Republican Parties are bankrupt:
Rachael Maddow's segment on GOP financial troubles. Colorado GOP is considering not having a state primary at all. They have taken on all their fake elector's legal fees, and their usual big money donors don't see Republicans as a good return on investment.
Apparently, more state Republican Parties are bankrupt:
Rachael Maddow's segment on GOP financial troubles. Colorado GOP is considering not having a state primary at all. They have taken on all their fake elector's legal fees, and their usual big money donors don't see Republicans as a good return on investment.
If so many state branches of the party are bankrupt and the party still has the power to wreck democracy, what do you think that means?
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