Marcy Wheeler is an independent journalist specializing in national security and civil liberties. At her website, Emptywheel today, SU 07/09/23, Ms. Wheeler points out the forensic evidence that the infamous "Hunter Biden" laptop that Rwingers have been yammering about for the past three years doesn’t have the same data as the original hard drive because Rwingers have added data and manipulated the data - so much so, that the hard drive no longer represents anything Hunter Biden once owned.

Essentially, Rwingers gained access to Biden’s laptop in the late summer 202O via iCloud, imaged the hard drive, added data, manipulated data, inserted it onto a new laptop, and “left” this computer at a repair shop in Delaware, claiming that Hunter Biden left it for a blind computer repair guy to restore and never picked it up. The big tell that this story is made-up is that Rudy Guilliani was in possession of this laptop for a period of time.

This was done to manipulate the 2020 election results, just as James Comey had done in 2016 to Hillary Clinton, when he re-opened a previously closed investigation into Clinton’s handling of classified material on a private server so close to the election, and just as quickly re-closed the investigation once the damage had been done.

Rwingers will do anything to steal an election to foist their fascist doctrine onto us decent Americans. This laptop “story” is indicative of just how sick and emotionally unwell these Rwingers truly are.

Now chair of the Oversight Committee, James Comer (R-KY), is holding hearings as to why the FBI didn't make hay of this manipulated hard drive in the fall of 2020 to harm Joe Biden's efforts to become POTUS. After all, the FBI did it once before helping Republicans in 2016.

On SA 07/08/23, U.S. Representative Darryl Issa (R-CA), alleged to have burned down his auto alarm company in the 1990s to collect the insurance money, was on Fox News asking the question: Why is Joe Biden spending time with his only living son who is a recovering drug addict and allowing him into the White House?

These Rwingers are the worst kinds of human beings there are.

Contrarian, extraordinaire