The reality is they don't have to create fiction.
The infrastructure is in place and the courts are primed and ready to decide in favor of Republicans. Republican legislatures have already structured voting qualifications geared to reduce Democrat votes but mere slim thousands (which may be all that is necessary for Republicans to outright win) and if that fails then voting boards now have the legislative right and mandate to disallow any votes they deem as fraudulent including whole counties. If they can't win at that level then they have courts with Rump appointed judges willing to side with Republicans in any voting issue. If they don't win at that point, they have an armed contingent of House members who will side with any insurrectionists willing to disrupt federal proceedings (under a blanket pardon) to throw out Democrat certified electors.
So if a rigged election is what you have in mind .... well the Republicans have the Hungarian lock on winning the 2024.
I am not sure a massive Democrat (or anti-Republican) turnout will be enough to ensure Democracy survives