Senior defense analyst and former naval aviator Brynn Tannehill wrote a piece for The New Republic titled: “People Aren’t Facing Up to the Horrors a New Trump Term Would Bring.”

"People forget just how awful the Trump presidency was: daily chaos, naked power grabs, corruption, pandering to religious extremists, weaponization of government for personal vendettas, degradation of our democracy, and the constant assault on the rights of women, persons of color, and LGBTQ people."

Tannehill continues:

[Trump is] “coming back with the entire conservative apparatus at his back, having spent four years in the wilderness methodically planning how to permanently alter the political and legal landscape of the country to favor an anti-democratic minority.”

Per the New York Times, Donald Trump and his top allies are planning to massively reorganize the entire executive branch to hand him unprecedented power and decimate the constitutional basis of checks and balances, should he win re-election next year.

Luckily, for us democracy-loving folks, Trump will get nowhere near the White House as a result of the 2024 election. A J6 indictment is imminent, and that trial will be in DC and most likely wrap up before Aileen Cannon's May 20, 2024 trail in Florida for Trump's theft of national secret docs, even begins.

Most people are no aware that for whatever reason, Trump brought back the firing squad during his reign of terror. The firing squad would be the most appropriate form of punishment for the sick, twisted, demented-minded orange clown who once presided over America.

Contrarian, extraordinaire