Last week, the House Oversight Committee took testimony behind closed doors from Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner, AKA Comer’s whistleblower of the week, and testimony NOT under oath. (There was an entire bullcrap Rwing lie the weekend prior to the testimony, which spread like syphilitic VD through the Republican media ecosystem, which accused the Biden Justice Department of trying to arrest Archer - a convict, in an unrelated matter - before his hotly anticipated testimony. It wasn’t true, but that’s OK, Republicans are known liars.)

Archer’s testimony was...not what Republicans hoped for. laugh

Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman was reportedly one of the only members who actually stayed for the whole interview, and he told Anderson Cooper last night that anyone who read the transcript “would come away […] believing that Joe Biden had nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s business dealings, derived no benefit from it, received no money, and did not know about anything that Hunter Biden was doing, nor did he ever discuss it with Hunter Biden or the business associates.”

Like a typical Trump supporter, Archer's testimony had no teeth. If you want to read something with real teeth - read Jack Smith's J6 indictment of Trump.

Contrarian, extraordinaire