Trump's comptroller testified today that the "worthless clause" Trump keeps on bring up as a defense, is actually from his accounting firm Mazers. It's Mazers saying "this report is worthless because Trump changed our numbers." The documents even contain added notations that the final evaluations have to be approved by "DJT", Donald J. Trump. (Then he admitted Trump was worth MUCH less than he claimed. No wonder he loves George Santos so much.)
So this is very like Trump claiming the Presidential Records Act says he can keep anything he wants. Both complete fabrications. Works for talking to true believers. Not so good for court, since his claims actually amount to confessions.
Trump is accused of changing the evaluations of his properties drastically for paying taxes and applying for loans. The Florida tax assessor said Mar-A-Lardo was worth $26 million. Then Trump sent his lawyers to court to claim it was worth much less because of all the property covenants. So the judge said, "Okay, how about $18 million." So Eric went on a rant the other day claiming it was actually worth over a billion. He just admitted to the fraud, but claimed it was a much greater fraud! The best fraud! The biggest fraud ever!
The criminal orange clown doesn't know when to keep this big, fat, mouth shut Talk about opening mouth and inserting foot!