I believe I typed the very words in 2016 when Trump was elected i.e. every imaginable Constitutional infringement Trump could have done while occupant of WH should have been brought before the SC to answer the very questions we all know he will bring as a defense of his alleged criminal activities as occupant of WH.

Many of those who thought that was being hyperbolic then, and remained thinking that as MAGA assaulted the Capitol, have continued the think, should Trump win in 2024, he will not become the dictator he so wants to be ... delusional ... all delusional. This is the slowly boiling frog which does not jump out of the pot, or as Rep Cheney said ... America is "sleepwalking into dictatorship".

We are enemies of the state, and just don't know it.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions