I have often wondered about our system of justice. If, for instance, you get in a car accident and an attorney get involved you just might also have something that may not be decided for a year or so. Trump is constantly being hammered for stretching out any litigation he might be in but, as far as I can tell, it will be stretched out any way you cut it. He doesn't have to work very heard to stretch this stuff.
I remember the good old days. You get in a fender bender, you exchange insurance info and get everything settled. If there are police involved then somebody might get a ticket. In that case, if you get a ticket you go to court. If the cop that did the ticketing isn't there you are done. That's it! The only time you involve an attorney is if there is some kind of problem. Apparently chasing ambulances is not a bad business. The Seattle tv stations have an ambulance chaser ad, it seems, every 5/10 minutes or so. (they also seem to promise millions!)
Now our system of justice and time is, I think, a disaster. Even the people involved in it all are starting to whine a bit. I wonder if its going to get worse or somebody can figure out a better way.
I also don't understand why federal court cases don't allow TV (including the Supremes). I think that is a bit anti-constitution. EVERYBODY should have the right to watch our justice system working.
I also wonder about the Supremes, in general. Jack White went to the supremes and asked them if they could decide whether Trump, as president, had a right to break the law freely. They said 'sure', in a couple of weeks or so. This Trump thing has to get into court. I have no idea how many cases we are talking about but its not just a few. One would think that the Supremes, as the ones that are, basically in charge, might do something to deal with the Trump thing before he has so many cases that he is shutting down the national justice system.
I have no solution to this one, not a single clue. I just know that it is into trouble and needs to get fixed. If not its just possible that people will start dying before they can get into the system to solve their problem. (I know, a bit extreme, but.....)
Oh, I have been gone for a while and may be putting stuff where I should be. If I screw up please let me know. My memory is starting to fail a bit.
Last edited by jgw; 12/16/23 05:53 PM.