Rather than quoting your whole post, I'm going to identify items I agree and disagree with, in sequence, and explain why (this is why I love RR):
Originally Posted by perotista
For January 2024, I agree Biden will be reelected.
We agree, here. I believe his numbers will improve with the economy and Trump's will fall precipitously as the reality of what a second term portends becomes increasingly apparent. Shockingly, it is still too early for too many folks to pay attention.
Originally Posted by perotista
But won’t receive over 50%.
I disagree, but for precisely the reason that you think there will be a drain from a 3rd party candidate.
Originally Posted by perotista
47-45 popular vote win, 287-251 in the EC.
I already made my prediction - 306 EC votes for Biden. I think he will improve his margin in every swing State that was close.
Originally Posted by perotista
Low voter turnout and a high third party vote/ An election more in line with 2016 than 2020.
This is the crux of our disagreement. I believe there will be high voter turnout that surpasses 2020, at least for the Democrats, for a few profound reasons: First, abortion will be on the ballot in several States - we've already seen how that drives turnout; second, the economy is already booming, and it is becoming more obvious to everyone (even FOX, who is trying desperately to spin gold into straw). Finally, as Trump gets more exposure, the issues he has are going to eclipse concerns about Biden's frailty. Trump is showing huge mental acuity lapses, and the pressure of his multiple trials is driving him off the rails. He's also increasingly demonstrating anti-democratic intent which is impacting a lot of the voters. That will only increase as the reality becomes more acute. The FOX/Trump vote is locked in. He's not improving his position.
Originally Posted by perotista
The Democrats regain the house, probably a 6-10 seat gain while losing the senate. [quote=perotista]Here we mostly agree, and also the margin (although a bigger swing is well within the realm of possibility, depending on how the defenestration of the GOP House progresses). Unfortunately, some Dem seats have been vacated for a variety of reasons, which may suppress those gains. [quote=perotista]Senate wise, West Virginia, Ohio and Montana go republican.
Here we also disagree. Both Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester will be reelected, in large part because of the abortion issue. Montana will have a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot, and the high-handed efforts to prevent it appearing on the ballot are rankling the population, who are quite independent. Sherrod Brown has just been too good for Ohio. Although Ohio is still quite red, the inherent conservatism actually helps Brown, as Ohioans are averse to change.
Originally Posted by perotista
We had a lower percentage of all Americans who disliked both Trump and Clinton in 2016,
While this is true, in 2016 we didn't really know where Trump would land. His term was an unmitigated disaster in virtually every aspect. Biden's unpopularity is skin deep, Trump's is bone.
Originally Posted by perotista
Voter turnout was 54% in 2016 compared to 62% in 2020.
I think you underestimate the motivation of Dobbs and overestimate antipathy to Biden.
Originally Posted by perotista
Third party vote was 6% in 2016 compared to 1.7% in 2020.
Here is a significant difference. I don't think there will be a major 3rd Party presence. They missed their window. No Labels is waning quickly and they have no viable candidates. RFK, likewise, will get even less attention as time progresses (and people learn just how truly whacko he is).

Now, there is a huge caveat to all of this: either candidate could have a major health scare and that could throw the whole process into a cocked hat.

A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.

Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich