Many of the retiring congress critters has mentioned the dysfunctional state congress is in the reason they’re retiring. The Border deal is a prime example. And yes, compromise is a four-letter word. MAGA or Trump is still very viable. Trump leads Biden in a two-candidate head to head race today. But keep in mind, these pollsters gave the respondents only two choices, Trump or Biden. They didn’t give them any third party or will not vote option which changes the below equation quite a lot.

Biden, although trailing in the popular vote, leads in the electoral college as far as pundits, forecasters are concerned.

As long as Trump is around, there will be no normal times, if ever. The main reason a lot of swing voters voted for Biden in 2020 was to bring some sanity and normalcy back to the office of the presidency and government as a whole. Today, quite a lot of them have forgotten the reason they voted for Biden back then. It isn’t that these voters have gone over to Trump, they haven’t. They’ve went into the vote third party or will not vote, stay home columns if the rematch occurs. There’s dangerous water ahead, unsure sailing for Biden.

Isn’t it strange that the future of this country may lie in the hands of 9 black robed justices.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.