I think confidence and trust in our electoral system is what keeps our democracy viable, lasting far into the future.

I totally agree, but,

We’ve entered an era where more and more people are distrusting the way and results of how we elect our leaders, trust in our government to do what is right is fast eroding, trust in the media to report the news accurately, fully and fairly has gone into the dumps. All of this in my opinion is eroding and destroying democracy in this country. It’s not only the peaceful transfer of power, but confidence and trust in the whole system democracy provides, electoral, government, media, etc.

I believe this has been in the works for decades. Maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but this didn't happen overnight. Just like the murder of Roe was a multi-decade, multi-generational effort, I believe the end of our democracy has been too!!

I cannot stress that enough. It has been coming for decades!

Trump happens to be the lucky winner. He will be the one to finish democracy as we know it. The pieces will finish falling in to place and allow this to happen - because it has been, A. Long. Term. Plan.

Maybe, I've just lost my mind over it! confused crazy

Good doesn't always win!