My thinking is it won't matter .... here is why

MAGA doesn't buy the legal arguments at all i.e they are phony and therefore meaningless. (In addition of course the son of God etc etc). The disingenuous supporters , like elected Republicans who rely on MAGA to win elections, but know Trump is bad for the Party and the country, will continue to support Trump despite the results of any legal proceedings.Thus the impact will be minimal from Republicans.

The current polling suggests to me independents have been baked in at this point. They believe the propaganda ... Biden is bad for the economy, war, Democracy. I suspect the impact will be minimal here as well

All the polling which has people "saying" they will not support Trump if he is convicted is simply heat of the moment talk. Let them cool off a bit and reconsider.

I won't be betting on my thoughts as the political situation has metastasized into something new and different. I think all bets should be off until we have a better understanding of what is happening in America. Democracy may already be dead and I just don't know it yet or it could still be on the balance waiting for all good men, all good patriots to step forward and ensure it will survive.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions