Ok, I’ll break with my oath of not engaging with rightwing ideologues as there’s nothing to be gained from doing so but this state of international affairs is to ironic, stupid and dangerous to pass up.
One the one hand, Congress just passed another fat war funding bill aimed at supporting two fascist ethno states. The right wing Dem party went all fandom waving flags of the ethnic white fascist regime in the Ukraine cuz Russia while the further right simmered with rage at the thought of betrayal from House Speaker Johnson’s eleventh hour compromise war funding bill. A bill that was primarily opposed by the no good, terrible anti war republican conservatives that the Dem war party can’t stand from an aesthetic sensibility.
Not that Conservatives don’t mind the killing of Muslims in particular or brown skinned cultures in general. They’ve been on board with the Israelis and their ethnofascists genocide. Just as they’ve been on board with killing Muslims or darker complected countries for, what, 50 years or better?
What an odd state of affairs. Each rightwing team has a favored ethnofascist vassal state, actively trying to cleanse an ethnic group from its borders, while the two imperial parties argue over which vassal is deserving or undeserving of billions of dollars.
Upshot: Both! You get a ethnofascist vassal state and you get an ethnofascist vassal state…
Question, how do declare a holy war against the left, globally, support coups and state violence against left wing governments, back far right dictatorships and neofascists and not become so yourself?
Answer: you already are
All those spook stories being obsessed here and in corporate propaganda media over Russian election interference while AIPAC laughs its head off…
Last edited by chunkstyle; 04/22/24 12:35 PM.