Biden is starting to go on the offensive (finally). Have no idea if it will change things but I hope so. At least he is out there showing that he can speak right out loud, is not sick or too old to speak, etc. This is all good as the Republicans have been saying all sorts of things about him - too old, can't speak, can't stand up, trips all the time, half dead, etc. you know, any lie they can think of. Its very strange. We all know that Trump lies, bigtime. Now I suspect we also know that the Entire Republican (Trump) party also lies. The one that gets me is that he is the worst president we have ever had. The simple fact is that, so far, I believe he is going to go down as one of the best presidents we have had and I don't see that changing.

I think we should all remember that after trump was president he also was considered the WORST president in the history of the United States! I often wonder why the Dems, when they are talking don't point that one out every time they get a chance!! The only reason I can think of is that the Dems just don't want to say mean things. I continue to wonder if they really want to win or not!