I really don’t see the dynamics of this rematch changing. It’s been, as far as the polling goes within the MOE since November 2022, the midterms between Trump and Biden. There’s been a consensus among most Americans then and now, that they didn’t and still don’t want neither one as the next president. I don’t think piling on more negatives about Trump is going to help Biden, Trump being the worst president or not. I would say most Americans are used to Trump’s lies, his rotten character, his legal problems, his childish antics, his 3rd grade schoolyard bullying tactics, his thirst for revenge and a million other very true negatives. I would have sworn that when the federal indictments came down, that would be the end of Trump. They weren’t. Then Trump sitting at the defendant’s table during the New York Fraud case and E.J. Carroll’s case would send him tumbling. They didn’t. The same with this Hush Money case, a criminal case. None of that changed anything. If these things didn’t affect the dynamics of this race, harping on how bad a president Trump was isn’t going to have an effect either. Most Americans know Trump is a scumbag.
Going back through old polls, you had the same basic breakdown back in 2022 that we have now. Roughly 35% die hard Trumpers, 35% anti-Trumpers and pro-Biden, 30% who don’t want nothing to do with either. There was a time when character mattered.
Look at a 15 Nov 2022 poll, 55% of all Americans back then didn’t want Biden to run again, 57% didn’t want Trump to run again either. Question 34 and 35.
https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/gebmjsbpbw/econTabReport.pdfCompare that to a 30 Apr 2024 poll, 59% don’t want Biden to run again even though he’s the defacto Democratic nominee. 52% don’t want Trump to run again either even though he will be the GOP nominee. Questions 13 and 14. Not much has changed that isn’t within the MOE.
https://d3nkl3psvxxpe9.cloudfront.net/documents/econTabReport_0NJUiMQ.pdfThis isn’t 2020, compare voter enthusiasm for voting for president, 2020 76% were either extremely enthusiastic or very enthusiastic about voting for the president. Only 12% not too or not at all enthusiastic. Results a very high voter turnout of 62%. You have to go back to 1960 for a higher voter turnout. 62.8%. Question 22.
https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/nzc8dt85gn/econTabReport.pdfToday. 43% are either extremely enthusiastic or very enthusiastic about voting for president, 42% not too or not at all enthusiastic about voting for president. Question 18
https://d3nkl3psvxxpe9.cloudfront.net/documents/econTabReport_Agwhapd.pdfWhich leads me to believe we’ll have a very low voter turnout. Maybe even below 50% which has happened only once since 1924, in 1996 at 49.0%. I’ve talked about the 23 million new voters, those who didn’t vote in 2016 but did in 2020. Biden won those new voters 68-30 over Trump. What if those new voters decide to stay home and not vote in 2024 as they didn’t vote in 2016. Which seems very plausible. They disliked Trump in 2020 but not Biden, they wanted Trump gone. Today they dislike both, they don’t want neither Biden nor Trump this time around. It’s a possibility as everything dealing with this rematch has been static since November 2022.