I look at how all Americans are viewing this election
Yes yes I know!!!! ... You look at this election as if it were the 1980 election with all the same historical perspectives of someone who doesn't realize we are not in the same dimension as 1980. We are in the alternate universe of Trump world where up is down and your polling analysis reflects the real universe.
So I remember 2020, when you typed Trump would quietly leave the WH as any president who respects the Constitution would, and I warned you repeatedly that would not be the case. Trump had no intention of leaving the WH and had his rationally minded staff not forced him to leave, he would have remained past the Biden inauguration. And your mouth was agape and your eyes wide open as you type "could not happen in America". Once again it is happening and once again you are thinking 1980.
You need proof? Believe him or not but M Cohen is saying Republicans have the process in motion NOW! Spkr Johnson was asked if he would object to the 2024 if they lost and his answer was yes. Now he is in charge of the House. He can not seat the new legislature ... because it was illegally elected .... he can procedurally accept all objections and allow only alternate electors to ensure Trump wins. And yet your response is you know and understand polling.
Once again I am sounding the clarion ... warning of the danger ahead ... and once again all I hear from you is can't happen in America. Polling will not matter, especially if Biden ever has better polling numbers. The FIX is in.
Acquiesce now ... Trump be be anointed in 2025.