I find the entire thing very, very, strange. When Trump was president things were not even close to how things are today. The good old days of Trump were a disaster. That being said Trump is constantly telling everybody how absolutely wonderful things were when he was president and, when he does, the crowds scream with wonder, and belief, at what he says. They do that because they actually believe everything that man says!! That, I think, is the miracle. He has always claimed greatness. The only business he had, that worked, was the one he got from his daddy which was run by the man daddy put in charge. He was a magnificent business man, admired by all. What is absolutely ignored is that anything he touched failed. The only real success was in politics! Hell, he actually, bunkoed a gambling establishment!! He had 6 bankruptcies! EVERYTHING he tried failed. The problem is that was fact, and he simply does not deal in fact. There are books about that one yet nobody cares. What his admirers believe is what comes out of his mouth and deny anything else! At the end of his business stuff nobody would do work for him unless he paid up front! (that was because he simply did not pay his bills). There was a big pile of bills he never paid. That is where he learned that one could stretch out stuff in the courts to the point where people simply gave up. We are, these days, experiencing his expertise in this one.

When we all grew up we were told fairy stories about the fairies who were always right and were amazed about them. Somehow Trump became one of the great fairies of the ages and remains so, for a LOT of people to this day. I understand what is going on, most of you do too. We just don't know why or how. I expect, sometime in the future, it will be explained and then we are all going to say something like; Oh, now I understand, how could I have not seen it!! I expect most of us have had that happen a couple times, now and then. That's never going to change.

Its just taking us a long time, this time...............