I take it you don’t care what all Americans are thinking or how all Americans are viewing this very unwanted rematch. One can either face the truth on how things stand today with this rematch or one can lock themselves in the bathroom, close one’s eyes not giving an owl’s hoot about everyone outside that locked bathroom door. I can’t do that. You apparently can.
I don’t think I’ve said anything bad about Biden outside of the obvious fact that most Americans don’t want him reelected. The same holds true for Trump, most Americans don’t want him to regain the white house. Such is/was the wisdom of both major parties in choosing the two most unwanted and disliked candidates to run against each other for the presidency of the United States. I had no control over that, no say. Whatever happens, whatever the future may hold, the blame doesn’t lie with me, I’d say blame lies with both major parties in who they chose as their candidates. I’d say most Americans think this rematch is some cruel joke being played on them by both major parties. The fact remains, this rematch is exactly what both major parties wanted. One way or the other, all of us will have to live with their choices.