Originally Posted by perotista
...I step outside and take a good view of the entire electorate trying to figure out where things stand today and if possible, why. I’m as much anti-Trump as anyone else, but being anti-Trump isn’t going to change the reasons why we have an election coming which gives him a 50-50 shot at regaining the white house. That shouldn’t be but is. It’s reality. Why is this so?...
The reason why is because conservatives have been conditioned to believe there are no good liberals or democrats. Don't believe me? Read the comments section of Fox News.com.

The FACT that these people would choose an adjudicated sexual assaulter, adjudicated business fraudster, who has 88-felony grand jury indictments and who calls our troops “suckers” and “losers,” who had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant with the man's child, over a good, decent man who at least has the average American's back, validates the above paragraph.

Contrarian, extraordinaire